“Education for all” BANCHTE SHEKA ONG

This is a project for student sponsorship developed in collaboration with the NGO Banchte Shekha. The sponsorship by foreign donors gives the opportunity to children from the most disadvantaged families:

  • to attend school,
  • to receive books and the complete school equipment,
  • to have a sanitary check-up and
  • to receive one meal every day.

With only 170 euro per year, you can make the gift of a new future to one child.


The real engine of Education for All project is the NGO Banchte Sheka. We are in daily contact with their staff in order to be in real time aknowlodge about project problems in order to be able to solve them as soon as possible. We are sure that the success of this project is due to the great professionalism and devotion BS staff. We’d like to present them to everybody because behind a good work there are always good persons.

Are you interested to know further details and/or to contribute to any of our projects? Write an e-mail to info@ideaonlus.org or you may directly call us at the numbers you can find at the page CONTACT US of this website.